CE marking in roofing slates

PlantillamarcadoCECE marking is mandatory for all the products sold in the European Union, regardless of the country of origin of the products. In the case of roofing slate, this marking is done using the data obtained from the tests of EN 12326 (parts 1 and 2) Slate and natural stone for discontinuous roofing and cladding. The CE mark does not establish qualities, just gives information about product features. The different qualities of the slate are established by the manufacturer taking into account the market requirements and its own standards.

The results of the tests of EN have to be stated on a label attached to each pallet or slate cage. In paragraph ZA of EN 12326-1 is an example of CE label, although there are other solutions.




CE label as in EN 12326-1


CE Pizarra01

CE Pizarra00Two examples of CE marking

Together with this label must be included another document, the declaration of conformity, in which it is specified in detail the characteristics of the slate. This document must accompany each sold batch of slate; there is no need to include it to slate pallet or cage. As for the label, there is a model in Part 1 of the standard.

The CE marking is mandatory for roofing slate since 2004, so it is sufficiently well established between producers and consumers. However, there are still companies that refuse to incorporate it to their products, either by ignorance or negligence law, thereby risking a sanction by the competent authority.

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